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Crystal Dragon Head Large Size

Crystal Dragon Head Large Size

Regular price £38.00 GBP
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Green Aventurine, Strawberry Quartz and Fluorite Dragon Head Carving.

Please make sure you pick the style you want. They are numbered in the pictures and the size description of each number is below.

1.Green Aventurine ⚖️253g 📏9.8x5.3x4.6cm

2. Strawberry Quartz️ ⚖️250g 📏9.8x5.3x4.6cm

3. Fluorite ⚖️257g 📏9.2x4.9x4.5cm

According to Crystal Bible by Judy Hall 

"✨️Aventurine is a very positive stone of prosperity. Wearing Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution. This crystal defuses negative situations and turns them around. Psychologically, Aventurine reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. It promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. It takes you back into the past to find sources of dis-ease. Aventurine stabilizes one's state of mind, stimulates perception, and enhances creativity. It sees alternatives and possibilities, especially those presented by other people. This stone brings together the intellectual and emotional bodies. Aventurine calms anger and irritation. It stimulates emotional recovery and enables living within one's own heart. Spiritually, Aventurine protects the heart chakra, guarding against psychic vampirism of heart energy.

Green Aventurine specifically is a comforter and heart healer, and general harmonizer, protecting the heart. It brings things back into control and is useful in malignant conditions. It settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. An all-round healer, bringing in well-being and emotional calm."

"✨️Strawberry Quartz holds all properties of Quartz, in addition it stimulates the heart energy centre, filling us with the feeling of love and with the euphoria of the true loving environment. Quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet because of its unique helical spiral crystalline form. Found worldwide, it absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy and is excellent for unblocking it. When acupuncture needles are coated in Quartz, the effects increase by ten percent. As demonstrated by a Kirlian camera", holding a Quartz crystal in your hand doubles your biomagnetic field it enhances muscle testing and protects against radiation. Quartz generates electromagnetism and dispels static electricity.

This crystal works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing or undertaking spiritual work. It takes the energy to the most perfect state possible, going back to before the dis-ease set in. It cleanses and enhances the organs and subtle bodies and acts as a deep soul cleanser, connecting the physical dimension with the mind.

At spiritual level, this crystal raises energy to the highest possible level Containing every color possible, Clear Quartz works on all levels of being Storing information like a natural computer, these crystals are a spiritual library waiting to be accessed. Quartz has the ability to dissolve karmic seeds". It enhances psychic abilities and attunes you to your spiritual purpose. Used in meditation, Quartz filters out distractions. Quartz is the most efficient receptor for programming. At a mental level, Quartz aids concentration and unlocks memory.

✨️Fluorite is highly protective, especially on a psychic level. It helps you to discern when outside influences are at work within yourself and shuts off psychic manipulation and undue mental influence. This stone cleanses and stabilizes the aura. It is extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress. Appropriately positioned, it blocks geopathic stress. Used in healing. Fluorite draws off negative energies and stress of all kinds. It cleanses, purifies, dispels, and reorganizes anything within the body that is not in perfect order. This is the best crystal to use to overcome any form of disorganization.

Fluorite grounds and integrates spiritual energies. It promotes unbiased impartiality and heightens intuitive powers, makes you more aware of higher spiritual realities and can quicken spiritual awakening: and focuses the mind and links it into the universal mind. Fluorite brings stability to groups, linking them into a common purpose.

Fluorite is associated with progress on many levels, incorporating structure into daily life. This stone can overcome chaos and reorganize the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. Psychologically, Fluorite dissolves fixed patterns of behavior and gently opens the door to the subconscious, bringing suppressed feelings to the surface for resolution. It increases self-confidence and dexterity.

Fluorite improves physical and mental coordination and counteracts mental disorders. Dissolving fixed ideas, it helps to move beyond narrow-mindedness to the bigger picture. This stone dissolves illusions and reveals truth. It is very helpful when you need to act impartially and objectively.

Fluorite is an excellent learning aid-it organizes and processes information, linking what is already known into what is being learned, and increases concentration. It helps you to absorb new information and promotes quick thinking.

Emotionally, Fluorite has a stabilizing effect. It helps you to understand the effect of the mind and emotions on the body. in relationships, it teaches the importance of balance.

Green Fluorite specifically grounds excess energy, dissipates emotional trauma, and clears infections. It is particularly effective at absorbing negative energies within the environment. It brings information up from the subconscious mind and accesses intuition. It is an effective auric, chakra, and mental cleanser, dissipating obsolete conditioning.

Purple Fluorite stimulates the third eye and imparts common sense to psychic communication. It is an excellent meditation stone."

*please note that the descriptions of the stone's properties posted on this page are not to serve as professional or medical advice and are just for informational purposes. 


Important Additional Information

  • The item pictured is the exact one you will receive. (unless stated otherwise in the description)
  • Please note that colours might be slightly different due to adverse screen settings.
  • Please note that these are natural minerals (unless stated otherwise in the description) and they have different textures, may have natural imperfections such as craks, scratches which are a natural feature of the stone. None of these are considered as fault.
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