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Luna y Sol

Goddess Body

Goddess Body

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Crystal Goddess Bodies 

Please make sure you pick the crystal you want. 

The size is approximately 

 ⚖️ Weight 30-40g

📏Size 5x2.5x2cm

According to Crystal Bible by Judy Hall:

 ✨"Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra", teaching the true essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels, and brings deep inner healing and self- love. It is calming, reassuring, and excellent for use in trauma or crisis. If you want to attract love, look no further than romantic Rose Quartz. Placed by your bed or in the relationship corner of your home, it is so effective in drawing love and relationships toward you that it often needs Amethyst to calm things down. In existing relationships, it will restore trust and harmony, and encourage unconditional love Rose Quartz gently draws off negative energy and replaces it with loving vibes. It strengthens empathy and sensitivity and aids the acceptance of necessary change. It is an excellent stone for mid-life crisis. Holding Rose Quartz enhances positive affirmations. The stone can then remind you of your intention. This beautiful stone promotes receptivity to beauty of all kinds. 

Emotionally, Rose Quartz is the finest healer. Releasing unexpressed emotions and heartache and transmuting emotional conditioning that no longer serves, it soothes internalized pain and heals deprivation. If you have never received love, Rose Quartz opens your heart so that you become receptive. If you have loved and lost, it comforts your grief. Rose Quartz teaches you how to love yourself, vital if you have thought yourself unlovable. You cannot accept love from others nor love them unless you love yourself. This stone encourages self-forgiveness and acceptance, and invokes self-trust and self-worth ."

✨"Howlite is an extremely calming stone. Placed under the pillow, it is an excellent antidote to insomnia, especially when this is caused by an overactive mind.

Howlite links into the spiritual dimensions, opening attunement and preparing the mind to receive wisdom and insights. It assists journeys out of the body and accessing past lives. Focusing your sight into a piece of Howlite can transport you to another time or dimension. Placed on the third eye", it opens memories of other lives, including those in the "between-life" state and the spiritual dimensions.

Psychologically, Howlite teaches patience and helps to eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. A piece placed in the pocket absorbs your own anger and any that is directed toward you. It also helps to overcome a tendency to criticalness and selfishness, strengthening positive character traits,

Howlite stills the mind and is excellent for sleep or meditation. It allows for calm and reasoned communication to take place. This stone strengthens memory and stimulates a desire for knowledge

Howlite can calm turbulent emotions, especially those that have past-life causes. It releases the strings that tie old emotions to present-life triggers. Howlite formulates ambitions, both spiritual and material, and aids in achieving them."

✨ "Black Obsidian is a very powerful and creative stone. It grounds the soul and spiritual forces into the physical plane, bringing them under the direction of the conscious will and making it possible to manifest spiritual energies on earth. Self-control is increased by the use of this stone.

Black Obsidian forces facing up to one's true self, taking you deep into the subconscious mind in the process: It brings imbalances and shadow qualities to the surface for release, highlighting hidden factors. It magnifies all negative energies so that they can be fully experienced and then released. This healing effect goes back into past lives, and can work on the ancestral and family line". Black Obsidian composts the past to make fertile energy for growth of the soul. It reverses previous misuse of power and addresses power issues on all levels, teaching that to be empowered is not to wield personal power but rather to channel power for the good of all.

Black Obsidian is protective. It repels negativity and disperses unloving thoughts. It facilitates the release of old loves and provides support during change.

Used in shamanic ceremonies to remove physical disorders, Black Obsidian also has the gift of prophesy Black Obsidian balls are powerful meditation and scrying aids but should be used only by those who can consciously process what they see and use it for the highest good of all. Obsidian helps to ground and articulate what is revealed.

In healing, a Black Obsidian placed on the navel grounds spiritual energy into the body. Held briefly above the third eye" it breaks through mental barriers and dissolves mental conditioning. Used with care, it can draw together scattered energy and promote emotional r elease."

 ✨"Aventurine is a very positive stone of prosperity. Wearing Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution. Taped to a cell phone, it acts as a protection against its emanations. This crystal defuses negative situations and turns them around.

Psychologically, Aventurine reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. It promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. It takes you back into the past to find sources of dis-ease. This stone relieves stammers and severe neuroses, bringing understanding of what lies behind the conditions. Aventurine stabilizes one's state of mind, stimulates perception, and enhances creativity. It sees alternatives and possibilities, especially those presented by other people. This stone brings together the intellectual and emotional bodies. Aventurine calms anger and irritation. It stimulates emotional recovery and enables living within one's own heart." 

✨"Sodalite unites logic with intuition and opens spiritual perception, bringing information from the higher mind down to the physical level. This stone stimulates the pineal gland and the third eye and deepens meditation. When in Sodalite-enhanced meditation, the mind can be used to understand the circumstances in which you find yourself. This stone instills a drive for truth and an urge toward idealism, making it possible to remain true to yourself and stand up for your beliefs.

 Sodalite clears electromagnetic pollution and can be placed on computers to block their emanations. It is helpful for people who are sensitive to "sick-building syndrome" or to electromagnetic smog This is a particularly useful store for group work, as it brings harmony and solidarity of purpose. It stimulates trust and companionship between members of the group, encouraging interdependence. An excellent stone for the mind, Sodalite eliminates mental confusion and intellectual bondage. It encourages rational thought, objectivity, truth, and intuitive perception, together with the verbalization of feelings. As it calms the mind, it allows new information to be received. Sodalite stimulates the release of old mental conditioning and rigid mind-sets, creating space to put new insights in practice.

 Psychologically, this stone brings about emotional balance and calms panic attacks. It can transform a defensive or oversensitive personality. releasing the core fears, phobias, guilt, and control mechanisms that hold you back from being who you truly are. It enhances self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-trust. Sodalite is one of the stones that bring shadow qualities up to the surface to be accepted without being judged."

 ✨Jasper is known as the "supreme nurturer." It sustains and supports during times of stress, and brings tranquility and wholeness. Used in healing, it unifies all aspects of your life. Jasper reminds people to help each other.

Jasper aligns the chakras and can be used in chakra layouts. Green Jasper connects with heart chakra. This stone facilitates shamanic journeys and dream recall. It provides protection and grounds energies and the body. It absorbs negative energy and cleanses and aligns the chakras and the aura Jasper balances yin and yang and aligns the physical, emotional, and mental bodies with the etheric realm. It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution, including radiation, and aids dowsing.

Psychologically, Jasper imparts determination to all pursuits. It brings the courage to get to grips with problems assertively, and encourages honesty with yourself. It supports during necessary conflict.

Mentally, Jasper aids quick thinking, and promotes organizational abilities and seeing projects through. It stimulates the imagination and transforms ideas into action."

Moss Agate "A stabilizing stone strongly connected with nature, Moss Agate is said to refresh the soul and enable you to see the beauty in all you behold, it is helpful in reducing sensitivity to weather and to environmental pollutants. This stone is extremely beneficial for anyone employed in agriculture or associated with botany. It is a stone of new beginnings and release from blockages or spiritual fetters.

A stone of wealth, Moss Agate attracts abundance. Moss Agate can act with a dual purpose. It helps intellectual people access their intuitive feelings and, conversely, assists intuitive people in channeling their energy in practical ways.

Psychologically, Moss Agate improves self-esteem and strengthens positive personality traits. It releases fear and deep-seated stress. It helps to develop strength and the ability to get along with others, and encourages expanding one's personal space and growth. It strengthens the ability to try one more time, inspiring with new ideals after a period of stagnation. Mentally, Moss Agate promotes self-expression and communication. It balances the emotions, reducing stress and lessening fear. It encourages trust and hope, being a highly optimistic stone. It is helpful for anyone suffering from depression through life circumstances or brain imbalances. No matter how difficult those circumstances may be, Moss Agate gives insight into the reason behind them."

✨"Aventurine is a very positive stone of prosperity. Wearing Aventurine absorbs electromagnetic smog and protects against environmental pollution. This crystal defuses negative situations and turns them around. Psychologically, Aventurine reinforces leadership qualities and decisiveness. It promotes compassion and empathy and encourages perseverance. It takes you back into the past to find sources of dis-ease. Aventurine stabilizes one's state of mind, stimulates perception, and enhances creativity. It sees alternatives and possibilities, especially those presented by other people. This stone brings together the intellectual and emotional bodies. Aventurine calms anger and irritation. It stimulates emotional recovery and enables living within one's own heart. Spiritually, Aventurine protects the heart chakra, guarding against psychic vampirism of heart energy.

Green Aventurine specifically is a comforter and heart healer, and general harmonizer, protecting the heart. It brings things back into control and is useful in malignant conditions. It settles nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts. An all-round healer, bringing in well-being and emotional calm ."

Jade is a symbol of purity and serenity. Much prized in the East, it signifies wisdom gathered in tranquility, Jade is associated with the heart chakra" and increases love and nurturing. It is a protective stone, which keeps the wearer from harm and brings harmony. It is believed to attract good luck and friendship.

Psychologically, Jade stabilizes the personality and integrates the mind with the body. It promotes self-sufficiency. Mentally, Jade releases negative thoughts and soothes the mind. It stimulates ideas and makes tasks seem less complex so that they can be acted upon immediately Emotionally, Jade is a "dream stone." Placed on the forehead, it brings insightful dreams. It aids emotional release, especially of irritability. Spiritually, Jade encourages you to become who you really are. It assists in recognizing yourself as a spiritual being on a human journey and awakens hidden knowledge."

*please note that the descriptions of the stone's properties posted on this page are not to serve as professional or medical advice and are just for informational purposes.

*price per piece

Important Additional Information

  • The item pictured is the exact one you will receive. (unless stated otherwise in the description)
  • Please note that colours might be slightly different due to adverse screen settings.
  • Please note that these are natural minerals (unless stated otherwise in the description) and they have different textures, may have natural imperfections such as craks, scratches which are a natural feature of the stone. None of these are considered as fault.
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